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About us

How nice that you are curious about the faces behind H&F Beauty. We would like to introduce ourselves to you digitally!


H&F Beauty, originated from a passion for both business and beauty. During our studies we got to know each other, the shared passion for entrepreneurship and the background and knowledge of the nail and hairdressing industry ensured that we bundled our family names and started H&F Beauty.

When we started it was very difficult to get nail articles without having to travel all over the country. We felt that this should change and therefore consider accessibility an important part of our company.

Today, H&F Beauty stands for passion, knowledge, high quality, good price – quality ratio and accessibility. Everyone is welcome with us, whether you are a hobbyist, novice or experienced. Whatever your budget, you can come to us. We are happy to help everyone!

Preserving our knowledge, experience, quality and price is very important to us. With this we can ensure that we can remain your one-stop beauty partner. This is why we will always continue to develop in the beauty industry.